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seria Tradycyja

Siarżuk Douhuszawa, 2018

CD czasowo niedostępne

    rejon Lelkowicki, wieś Hłuszkawicze
    Lielchytsy district, Hlushkavichy village

  1. Kosiarze koszą, a wiatr powiewa
    Mowers Are Mowing, the Wind Is Blowing
  2. Nie chodź, kozacze, brzegami
    Don’t Walk by the River Bank, Cossack
  3. Oj, wyjdę, och, na tę górę, gdzie spotkałem Lubow
    I Will Go Up the Hill Where My Love Began
  4. Za Sybirem, tam gdzie słońce wschodzi
    The Sun Arises Over Siberia
  5. Och, ojciec mój zawiązał mi świat
    My Dad Will Not Let Me Go
  6. Och, przy łęgu na stawie, na wodzie
    In the Meadow On the Pond, On the Water
  7. Och, na łące, na łące na dąbku
    In the Meadow, In the Meadow In an Oak-Tree

  8. rejon Lelkowicki, wieś Tonież
    Lielchytsy district, Toniezh village

  9. Och, ty matko, wiśnio
    Hey, You, Poppy Blossom, Cherry
  10. Obce dziewki jak jagódki, jak różany kwiat
    Other Girls Are Like Berries, Like Roses in Bloom
  11. Na tureckich polach nic, och, nie rośnie
    Nothing Blossoms In the Fields of Turkey
  12. Och, pójdę ja ciemnym lasem
    I Will But Go Through the Dark Woods
  13. Och, ty mgło, ty mgiełko
    Hey, Fog, Good Old Fog
  14. Wyszła, och, ciemna chmura
    When a Dark Cloud Was Coming Out

  15. rejon Soligorski, wieś Haurylczyce
    Salihorsk district, Haurylchytsy village

  16. Och, ty żalu, żaleńku
    Hey, You, Sorrow, Little Sorrow
  17. Szli chłopcy drogą (rekrucka)
    Along the Road, Young Boys Were Going (Song of Recruits)

  18. rejon Łojewski, wieś Mochau
    Loyeu district, Mokhau village

  19. Dwa gołębie hukają, a gołąbka grucha
    Two Pigeons Hum, the Dove Coos...
  20. Woły siwe, woły płowe
    Grey Bulls, Yellow Bulls

  21. rejon Dubrowieński, wieś Pirahi
    Dubrouna district, Pirahi village
  22. A spod lasu, lasu ciemnego (wołoczebna)
    Out Of the Woods, Dark Woods (Easter Song)

  23. rejon Drohiczyński, wieś Simanawicze
    Drahichyn district, Simanavichy village

  24. Oj, w niedzielę raniutko (ballada kupalna)
    Early Sunday Morning (Midsummer Night’s Ballad)

Białoruskie męskie śpiewy - to pierwszy album planowanej serii Tradycyja, zawiera on nagrania męskich śpiewów z Białorusi. Pieśni/piosenki humorystyczne, biesiadne, żołnierskie, chwalące młodość i związane z sianokosami. Zostały one nagrane przez białoruskich entomuzykologów w latach 1969-1980, głównie na Polesiu.

Publikacja wydana jest w języku białoruskim i angielskim. Książeczka zawiera teksty i zdjęcia, informacje o śpiewakach i zespołach, dołączona płyta CD to nagrania tych pieśni.

Męska tradycja śpiewu jest jednym z najciekawszych zjawisk białoruskiej kultury. Wiemy o niej bardzo mało. Wydano wiele książek z tekstami pieśni, ale one "milczą", zaś siła sztuki, moc i piękno tradycji istnieje we wspólnym brzmieniu, mistrzowskim władaniu głosami, w ich tembrowej harmonii. Na płycie jest przedstawiony niewielki okruch tego masywu, który można by było zachować dla potomków, dla naszej kultury.

Pieśń brzmiała w dni świąteczne, kiedy zbierała się rodzina, na weselach, wyprawach, na roli, w lesie, na wozie, w czasie dalekiej wyprawy... I jeśli kobiety śpiewały obrzędowe pieśni cyklu kalendarzowego, pieśni obrzędowości rodzinnej, to mężczyźni mieli specjalny repertuar: pieśni młodzieńcze, kosiarskie, biesiadne, liryczne, wojskowe, społeczne, żartobliwe. Śpiewali dla pociechy duszy.

Płytę otwiera męski zespół śpiewaczy wioski Hłuszkawicze rejonu Lelkowickiego (nagrania etnomuzykolożki Zinaidy Mażejki z 1968 i 1977 roku). Zinaida Mażejko nagrała też w tym rejonie, w 1979 roku, pieśni wioski Tonież, w tym wybitnego poleskiego śpiewaka Ściapana Dubiejkę. Do zbioru weszły również pieśni męskich zespołów wiosek Haurylczyce z rejonu Soligorskiego oraz Mochau z Łojewskiego rejonu.

Śpiewy solowe na płycie reprezentowane są przez Ryhora Mareckiego i Fiodora Klimczuka. Ryhor Marecki, mieszkaniec wioski Pirahi rejonu Dubrowieńskiego, wykonuje pieśń wołoczebną, którą pamiętał z młodości, brał wtedy udział w wołoczebnym obejściu wiejskich dworów. Fiodor Klimczuk jest znanym białoruskim językoznawcą, dialektologiem. Urodził się we wsi Simanawicze rejonu Drohiczyńskiego. Jest wyjątkowym znawcą folkloru regionu poleskiego. Sam zna i śpiewa prawie tysiąc pieśni, "starowynnych" oraz "nowiszczich".

Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy dołożyli starań, żeby te niepowtarzalne nagrania zostały zachowane dla nas!


Recordings are from the archive of Tatsiana Piesniakievich, musicologist

Digital transfer - Aliaksiei Hlushko
Compilation and transcript - Iryna Maziuk
Translation into English - Natallia Kharytaniuk
Design - Vasilisa Palanina

Author and manager of the project - Siarhiei Douhushau

Male Singing Tradition

Unique recordings of the Belarusian male singing (in bands and solo) comprise the first album of TRADYCYJA series, compiled by the famous Belarusian musicologists.

Men-only band of Hlushkavichy village, Lelchytsy district, the first recording of the collection, enjoyed the attention of the renowned Belarusian ethno-musicologist Zinaida Mazheika. The band consisted of Ivan Prybora, Illia Zienkaviets, Eudakim Markievich, and Vasil Shvied. Being a shepherd, Ivan Prybora mastered singing in the open space and ended up developing a famous high-pitched voice to lead in the songs of the band (called padvodchyk/haravik in the Belarusian singing tradition). The band was recorded in 1968 and 1977.

Those who were lucky to have heard the voice of the Paliessie talent Stsiapan Dubeika were impressed by the scale of his genius. It was again Zinaida Mazheika who discovered Stsiapan Dubeika. She came to Toniezh village, Lelchytsy district, on an expedition tour first time in 1964, and there she heard the local songs, met the performers and made friends with Stsiapan Dubeika. He was a shepherd in Siamihostsichy village, Stolin district, and Toniezh village, Lelchytsy district, and a timber floater on the river Prypiats. By the time they met he had already mastered the skill of singing while keeping an open throat. Zinaida Mazheika wrote: "Dubeika is a singer of a rare dramatic effect. When he sings solo, he seems to give a new life to the song, and when he sings with a band, he keeps the spirit of the song and at the same time fills it with the powerful current of his voice". Songs of Toniezh village included into this CD were recorded in 1979.

Men-only band "Plytahony" from Haurylchytsy village, Salihorsk district, emerged in the remote 1960s of the previous century. Its leader Mikalai Boika was a singer with a uniquely strong voice. Ivan Kirchuk, the leader of an ethnic trio "Troitsa", collector and researcher of the Belarusian folklore, brought the band to Minsk to record it back in 1988. At that time he taught at Minsk Culture and Education College and among his students there was Valery Boika, son of Mikalai Boika. It was Valery who introduced "Plytahony" to Ivan Kirchuk.

Recordings of men-only band of Mokhau village, Loyeu district, were made in 1981. A famous Belarusian ethno-musicologist, Larysa Kasciukaviets, came to know the musicians when on a summer folklore expedition from Belarusian State Conservatory and it was she who encouraged the band to come to Minsk to record their songs.

The CD also offers recordings of men singing solo.
Ryhor Maretski, from Pirahi village, Dubrouna district, recorded an Easter song he used to sing during an Easter singing round in his village. The recording was made in 1981.
Fiodar Klimuk is a famous Belarusian researcher, linguist and dialectologist. He was born in Simanavichy village, Drahichyn district, and turned out to become a unique specialist in the folklore of this region of Paliessie. He knows and sings almost 1000 songs, both old and new ones. He recorded some of them in 1995, assisted by an ethno-musicologist H. Kutyrova-Chubalia.

When we listen to the male songs of Belarus, we get to know how the authentic bands and soloists performed their songs, we discover the rich singing tradition of Belarus and we hope that the musical patterns of the past will find their way into the present. Old songs will get a new life when performed by the voices of the new age!

Tatsiana Piesniakievich

Male singing tradition is one of the most interesting phenomena of the Belarusian culture. Still we know very little about it. Many books with lyrics have been published, but they are "silent" for it is the harmony of many voices, quality of the voices and the ancient melodies that give life to the songs.

The CD presents only a small part of the tradition that could be preserved for the next generation. Perhaps, every village had its own masters of singing. People sang on holidays, at the family get-together, at the weddings, on the fields, in the woods, when travelling... While women mostly sang songs of the calendar and family rituals, men had their own repertoire – songs for haymaking, drinking, cherishing youth, as well as humorous, social, lyric and military songs. They sang not to impress the audience but to express their feelings and strengthen their spirit.

"My father adored singing. On holidays or just Sundays, he would take the horse and go for his brothers. He would bring them together, mother would lay the table – and they would sing the whole night through" (Opal village).

"Mother said that the day people were summoned to the war women were lamenting in the yards while men went out to the meadow and began to sing!"

We sincerely thank those who took the effort to preserve the unique recordings for us.

Ethnographer and folklorist Iryna Maziuk


Band of Hlushkavichy village, Lielchytsy district
Ivan Prybora (born in 1910)
Illia Zienkaviets (born in 1926)
Eudakim Markievich (born in 1924)
Vasil Shvied (born in 1927)

Toniezh village, Lielchytsy district
Stsiapan Dubieika (born in 1929), his wife Maryia Dubieika, a group of women

"Plytahony" band, Haurylchytsy village, Salihorsk district
Stsiapan Boika (leader, born in 1922)
Stsiapan Liatchenia (high-pitched parts, born in 1923)
Adam Boika (bass parts, born in 1920)
Stsiapan Ryzhko (bass parts, born in 1930)

Band of Mokhau village, Loyeu district
Artsiom Anikieienka (born in 1911)
Kastsiei Dziehtsiarenka (born in 1909)
Laryvon Anikieienka (born in 1904)
Adam Pantsieliaimonau (born in 1910)

Pirahi village, Dubrouna district
Ryhor Maretski (born in 1914)

Simanavichy village, Drahichyn district
Khviedar Klimuk (born in 1935)